Friday, August 27, 2010

Do you know how annoying it is when you know you're supposed to study, but you just can't, because the worries, thoughts, troubles, emotions and confusion in your head just won't let you go? Where the only sort of release is writing, you'll end up writing for hours and hours, late into the night when it's already 2 or 3. The next day you end up really tired without reading anything and disappoint everyone around you.

In the end, everything ends up in your drafts and nobody ends up understanding. They're far too long and confusing for anybody to want to go near. You're back to the original state, only slightly better because you've got them sorted out, but never solved.

You'll never call anyone even though they say it's okay to - you don't know how or where to start, and once you start telling someone, you'll never want to stop. Everyone's racing against time right now and it's just not right to have them listening to you for hours and hours. An hour will never be enough so hoping they'll read is the only solution.

Right now you have so many drafts, with things people never ever knew you worried about. But you're afraid to show anyone, because they're far too long and knowing that they probably wouldn't have the time or the interest to read... it feels like rejection.

The cycle keeps repeating itself, and you're hoping they'll be solved one day, but you know they never will. Besides, these emotions are what keep you alive. You're either thinking too much, or far to empty. Emptiness feels far worse than anything else in the world.

And all you can do is wonder why you're so different from everyone else.

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